In accordance with Article 22 of the Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009, the Members regularly control the cosmetic products that are placed on the European market in order to monitor their compliance with the Cosmetic Regulation. Thus, it is important for both authorities and value players of the cosmetic industry to create a well-built and up-to-date Product Information File (PIF).
Don’t know where to start?
Here’s the step-by-step guide for you with the detailed information about how to draft your EU PIF.
What is Product Information File (PIF)?
If you want to sell cosmetic products in the EU, there are certain compliance requirements you must achieve. While PIF information requirements can seem extensive, these documents are designed to protect the safety of consumers who use personal care products every day.
The information requirements can seem exhaustive to the un-initiated and many companies lose sight of the core information required because they get lost in the different terminology used in the EU compared to other regions around the world.
The information EU regulators are asking for is not prohibitive, it is simply more involved than what is required to sell cosmetic and personal care products in most other regions.
Here are the common industry terminology and ‘laypersons’ descriptions of the essential paperwork needed to comply with PIF requirements. This will help you make sense of what they are asking for – forming an ‘essential guide’ to the information you will need to provide if you want to sell your cosmetic product in the EU.